When can I retire?

There is no longer a single age at which people can retire on old-age pension. Instead, every age group has their own retirement age.

You can retire on old-age pension after reaching the lowest retirement age. The personal retirement age that may apply to you can be higher than the lowest retirement age. In some occupations, occupational retirement ages that are lower than the lowest retirement age for the age group may also apply.

  • Learn more about retirement age on the page Old-age pension
  • In the online service My Pension (available in Finnish and in Swedish) you can use the pension calculator to estimate your pension based on your own information.

It pays to keep working

As you approach retirement age, you should consider how retirement will affect your life and also discuss the matter with your employer.

You do not have to retire once you reach your personal retirement age. You can keep on working and accrue more pension. 

The calculators in the online service My Pension let you estimate the effect of continuing at work on the amount of your pension.

Weigh your options

Retiring on old-age pension is not the only option available. You can also lighten your work load by taking partial early old-age pension, for example.

If your work ability has diminished, vocational rehabilitation may be the right choice for you.